Helicopter CFI

Jessica passed her checkride! She is now a Certified Helicopter Instructor.  Congratulations Jessie!

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Let’s Be Honest…

[column lg=”6″ md=”6″ sm=”12″ xs=”12″ ] [thumbnail target=”_self” src=”https://www.aerotechservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/IMG_0855-1024×768.jpg”] [/column]   “Let’s Be Honest…” “What’s it like to learn to fly?” “Oh it’s amazing and exciting! Go for it!!” When you’re in the business of flight training it’s tempting to answer potential prospect’s questions with unbridled optimism and enthusiasm. The problem is that often doesn’t […]

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Helping Humanity One Flight at a Time

Can you use your certificate to serve humanity through mission aviation? It is estimated that there are approximately 160 organizations around the world that use aviation as a tool to serve humanitarian and mission causes.  Each mission has different requirements as to certification and experience, some require both pilot and maintenance certification.  Of course, the […]

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How to share the gift of flying

I would argue that the greatest gift you can give a child (or anyone else) is a vision for something that will change his life for the better.  For me, flying has always been one of those things. My father was a pilot in the Navy starting in 1946, right after WWII.  He got all […]

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What’s your “pilot” learning style?

When you look for a flight school or flight training, your purpose is to learn. Right? Every person has his own “best” learning style. It’s the way you like to learn something new. That includes how you will learn piloting skills. So, what’s your best learning style, and how can you help your instructor understand […]

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Learn to Fly at Your Own Pace

Learning to fly can be the best experience of your life. And it’s a skill that lasts a lifetime. Isn’t it time you start living YOUR dream of flying?   That’s why Aero-Tech flight school has made every effort to make sure our instructors make learning a great experience for you. We have trained our […]

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Aero-Tech Flight School…The Best Way to Learn to Fly

Have you ever said, “I want to learn to fly?” Learning to fly can be the best experience of your life. And it’s a skill that lasts a lifetime. Isn’t it time you start living YOUR dream of flying?   That’s why Aero-Tech flight school has made every effort to make sure our instructors make […]

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